We went to the doctor yesterday for our "unofficial" ultrasound. We took a cheating peek at our baby and of course it was being shy. The little turkey was all balled up, and wouldn't even show us her face. The only view we were getting of her was her back and back of her head. She'd trick us by acting like she was going to roll over so that we could see the side of her head and her arms waving all over-but she never fully turned for us.
My wonderful doctor kept looking for us and we could finally see what we were looking for-Girl parts! Our doctor was really sure-but told us that there could still be a slight chance that it could be a boy, that maybe the "boy parts" were hiding since she was so curled up. She told us she didn't think she was wrong, but I get to go for another ultrasound on the 13th. This one is with the hospital, they do all sorts of checking and measuring-so we get to check again.
I am still in shock-I really thought we would have another boy. Max was really ticked! When Charlie turned to him and said, "that means your going to have a sister." Max said, "I can't want it!" He was pretty set on having a baby brother, whom he had already named Baby Mason. (I don't know where he got that name from.) I think after a day of getting used to the thought of a girl he might be starting to warm up to the idea.